Evacuable 13mm KBr Die Set

Sale price$1,245.00


The Evacuable 13mm KBr Die is the most popular and versatile die for producing 13mm pellets. The die is constructed of stainless steel and is precision machined. This die set requires the use of a 12-ton hydraulic press to produce the KBr pellets. Once the pellet is produced it is inserted into the Magnetic KBr Slide Holder, which in turn is inserted into the sample slide of the infrared spectrophotometer.

An assortment of paper rings, microframes and discs are included (1.5mm, 11mm and 1.5 x 9mm aperture) and is used when a small amount of sample is available for analysis allowing the user to produce micro pellets for analysis. They are used for preparing micropellets, and are necessary when there is a small amount of sample available.



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