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Atomic Absorption

1. AA3001 Sample Preparation of Glass and Ceramic Materials for Atomic Absorption Analysis

2. AA3002 Determination of Trace Lead, Poly-Phenols and Tannins in Wines Using a Single Analytical Instrument

3. AA3003 Determination of Major Components and Trace Contaminants in Assorted Plating Baths by Atomic Absorption Analysis

4. AA3004 Analysis of Whole Blood for Trace Lead (Pb) by Graphite Furnace AAS

5. AA3005 Determination of Wear Metals and Additives (Soaps) in Lubricating Oils by Atomic Absorption

6. AA3006 Determination of Major Electrolytes, Minor Minerals, and Trace Heavy Metals in Physiological Fluids by Flame and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

7. AA3007 Determination of the Environmental TCLP Metals in Waste-Waters, Solid Wastes, and Soils by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

8. AA3008 Indirect Determination of Gold Purity by Measurement of Impurities with Flame AAS

9. AA3009 Analytical Methodology for the Characterization of Steels and Iron Alloys by Atomic Absorption Analysis

10. AA3011 Evaluation of Mineral Supplements for Content and Purity by Flame/Graphite Furnace AAS

11. AA3012 Determination of Trace Elements in Lead for Battery Application Using Atomic Absorption Analysis

12. Arsenic-determination-in-well-water-bangladesh.pdf

Atomic Absorption EPA Methods

Gas Chromatography

1. GC3001 Rapid Measurement of Alcohol (Ethanol) in Beer and Wine Making by GC/FID

2. GC3005 Environmental Analysis of BTEX Compounds in Soil, Water, and Sludge by GC/PID

3. GC3006 Pesticide Analysis by GC/ECD/NPD & FID

4. GC3008 Environmental Analysis of Volatile Compounds in Soil, Water and Sludge by GC/PID/DELCD

5. GC3009 Ambient Air Quality Analysis of Toxic Gases and Priority Pollutants by GC/TCD/FID

6. GC3010 On-site Analysis of Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) in Soil and Groundwater Using Field Portable Purge & Trap GC/FID/PID

7. GC3011 Differentiating Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC with Simultaneous Flame Ionization and Electron Capture Detection

8. GC3012 Ultra-sensitive Coal Tar Distillate Analysis by GC-PID

Gas Chromatography EPA Methods

High Performance Liquid Chromatography Applications


1. IR3001 The Rapid Determination of PROXIMATE Nutrients in Foodstuffs by Fast Scanning Mid-IR

2. IR3002 A 5-minute "Backdoor" Quality Control Screen Method for Incoming Raw Material in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes

3. IR3003 Accurate Determination of Film Thickness by Fast-Scanning IR

4. IR3004 Rapid Field-Screening of Waste Oil/Solvent Drums with Horizontal ATR / Fast Scanning IR Spectroscopy

5. IR3005 Accurate Characterization of Polymers and Additives Used in Personal Care Products and Packaging by Fast-Scanning IR